i am in a shitty mood.
work is gay. employers are gayer. employers who are relatives are the gayest.
not even my bollywood music can cheer me up. i'm in such a foul mood right now and i haven't even started my tasks. i've just been through a sort of training session.
maybe it's because it's sunday and i'm working.
maybe it's because i've just eaten a giant bar of tolberone thinking it would up-lift my mood but totally hasn't.
maybe it's because i thought we were going shopping today but we're not.
maybe it's because i've eaten 5 slices of toast dripping in melted butter and peanut butter.
maybe it's because i'm just over all the heart to hearts my family tries to have with me.
maybe it's because i just hate accounts.
maybe it's because i haven't been outside today.
maybe it's because i'm still reeling about my hair.
maybe it's because i'm away from all my clothes.
maybe it's because i'm tired.
maybe it's because i ate 2 big entree's, 1 huge main, & 2 desserts when we went out for dinner lastnight.
maybe it's because my i-book is quite ancient and keeps freezing.
you know what would make me happy? a good binge drinking weekend out with all my friends. it's what kiwi's do best isn't it? yes. that would cure my grumpiness. i've been a bitch all day to everyone in the office and someone even told me not to be so snappy. i could've ripped their head off then and there. but i turned my back and quietly seethed while making my cup of tea.
maybe it's because i'm drinking yuck tea instead of earl grey.
until i cease 'comfort' eating.
until i go outside and enjoy some sunshine.
until i have a nap.
until i go shopping.
until i sign up to the gym & work off this negative mood.
until i stop being greedy and eating enough for an entire slum of 2 million people.
until i get a new computer.
until i return home & i'm re-united with all my stuff.
until i get some sort of routine going in the work place.
until i my hair grows back & i go back to black.
until i get over myself.
until i realise that this is nothing compared to whatever worse thing happens to me.
this mood is going to go on for a little while longer.
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