THE MAGNUM MAC STORE IN AUCKLAND SUCKS!!!!damn straight i'm calling you guys out! you guys totally pissed me off. i could be a dick and say it was because i'm brown. (and no doubt, that was partially why) but service is service and your service was SHIT!
i needed help with transferring everything from my ibook to my macbook pro and was having trouble with the migration assistant. so rani and i visted the magnum mac store in newmarket, (after i googled the address lolz)
walked in, and saw about 6 people on the shop floor. they all glanced up at me, and then turned away to look extremly busy. i had to wander around and spotted the token brown guy that worked there and asked for help. he was all like, "umm.. uh.. wait i'll just go ask..." comes back 5mins later and says, yea he can do it for me.
then another dude comes up behind him and says to me (in an arrogant tone) "you're meant to go to the serivce desk" (as if i was supposed to know)
so we walked to the back of the store, i asked another dude if he could do what i wanted and he said, "ummm.. yea i think so. that'll be $140 an hour" so i asked, "and how long do you think it will take?" to which his reply was, "i dunno". so i told him all i actually wanted was to transfer my i-tunes library. then i get the, "wait i'll just go ask my boss" and he comes back to tell me that it's illegal and no it cannot be done.
i thought to myself, i bet it can you asshole, but whatevz. bet he burns music all the time. wanker. anyways, i ask if they have photoshop and he finally can answer a question of mine without running to his boss. (the answer was "yes") and then i asked how much it was, which he shrugged his shoulders to, then pointed to the front of the store and said "it's up there on the top left hand corner of the shelf if you wanna know"...
by this time i was totally pissed, because i was standing at the service desk and hellz no was i getting any service! so i got my complaining pants on and then the manager came to apologize, but it was too late. they lost this customer when they didn't greet me when i walked in to their stupid store.
all i have to conclude with is: "
fuck you magnum mac newmarket. i don't need you stupid help, because my viet kong homies at the apple store in HCMC have agreed to hook me up with both itunes library transfer AND photoshop, for about $45 USD. god bless the asians hahaha"