there is something seriously sensual about the rain here. i was a little pissy at first, but then there is nothing like sitting on the back of a motor cycle and whizzing through puddles. with the wind in my hair, and being soaked right to the bone, i had a really great day today, considering i was moaning about getting my hair wet in my previous post.
on the family gossip side, one of my favourite auntys has dis-owned one of my cousins (who used to be one of my favourites) but i had a change of heart when i found out that he did a chris breezy/rih rih to his current girlfriend, more than once (so she's off my list too, for being stupid enough for staying with him) i mean WTF? there is no excuse to hit [beat to a pulp] a girl who is 3 times smaller than you!!! i don't care if you saw your dad to your mum all your life (that was the excuse that my cousins [still faves] gave me for his behaviour0 and i was like, "hello! you saw the same thing and have you EVER laid a hand on any of your past girlfriends, current babys mama, and fiance?" ...they had no come back for that.
rumour has it that he bought another girlfriend (he has 3) to meet the family, and my aunty told her straight up that he was a player and the chick stupidly told my cousin, who returned to my auntys and went ballistic at her. she actually had to be admited to hospital. and so she dis-owned him and he said all this shit to her (infront of her kiddies, who are 4 & 5) which i just can't believe that he is stupid enough to say because she practically raised the boy herself.
all i can say is that when i move to samoa, i will most definitely be staying far far away from him. (difficult to do on sucha small island) but i will do my best to avoid him at all costs. it pretty much sucks, because i was looking forward to kicking it with him while i was there, seeing as we all grew up together and were (until i found out about his abusive side) really tight.
i even heard that he gave one of his girlfriends a hiding IN FRONT of other people. that shit is disgusting. i'm not saying that doing it in private is acceptable, but not having any shame of doing it in front of others? what the hell is his problem? he must really hate women. like reeeeeeeeeeally hate them. so of course i feel uncomfortable in his presence, nothing will be the same anymore. as for the girls who keep going back. he sure knows how to pick them. they all either a) have really good jobs or b) studying law/medicine, have their own cars, and flats, intelligent girls, that are polite, and respectful to all the older aunties, and all are gorgeous. but there has got to be something seriously fucked up with them if they sort of know about each other, and put up with the beatings.
anyways, just when i was going on about there nothing to blog about, people in my life go and fuck up and i get to write about it haha peace!
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