guilty as charged!!! seriously, i have no time to blog anymore because i'm always on facebook (addicted to sorority life), twitter (updating people who don't really give a shit about my real life) and bebo (because i'm noisy at what is happening in everybody elses life). and blog? my blog gets the back seat to it all hahaha
also because i started it up to just rant about my mother and about school. i don't miss the school work hellz no! what i miss is, talking shit in the mac labs, getting up to have a coffee break every time someone arrived, making up excuses to go drinking etc etc etc.
i solved my "mommy issues" by moving far far away from her. i would've preferred to have sat down and laid out all my cards on the table with her and talk our shit through, but she doesn't like confrontation and just completely shuts down. it's better not to waste my breath. (sad, but true.) i'm don't even have any feelings of anger or regret against her. i just feel nothing. i'm not sure which is worse. being really fucked off at someone, or being emotional-less. (is that a word? haha 'coz it is now)
i'm not even feeling much for "he who shall not be named" either, because i think i've come to a conclusion that he also has issues (what is it with me and people with issues? lolz) and there's no point in wasting my time on that kinda shit. what lead to this epiphany? meeting my cousins flat mate who i kiiiiiiiiiiiinda think i could possibly like in the teeny tiniest way after meeting him once haha
it's most definitely not a crush, it's... i don't know what it is but i'll figure it out when i return home before i go to samoa. he really is not my type, because he breaks all the rules i have in what i look for in guys. like, he's shorter than me (when we're both wearing jandals lolz), and he's an islander from a big city in nz that, once i hear guys a from AND what school they went to, i'm like hellz no will you even make it on my top 100 list hahahaha oh yea, and he's like 3 or 4 yrs younger than me too.
but... he's really intelligent haha and he makes me laugh, and has a way with words that make me want him to talk forever hahaha
i don't suspect it to be even close to relationship status. but he has given me hope that there ARE decent, single guys out there (haha) and that i really shouldn't waste my precious time on pretty boys like "he who shall not be named".
i don't even have any complaints about work that i can blog about! haha i'm not like soooo happy that nothing cam make mad, but i'm just in a good space at this moment in time.
i will however, complain about the rain , even though i'm sitting on my balcony and enjoying the coolness it brings. only because i wanna go to town for lunch and my hair will be shit if i try running from taxi to taxi in this down pour lolz
peace out homies!
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