Thursday, September 3, 2009


my photography lecturers would soooo give me a hiding for using my camera on my phone but meh. it's fun to play with (once i worked it out haha) these should tie you over until i think of something profoundly interesting to blog about that has happened or is happening...

this is where i live- the pacific pearl... well this is the car park of where i live.. i don't live in the car park.. i live in a room.. this is where we park cars.. it is where the cars live.. speaking of cars, that white pick up? that's my car while on island :) but on sept 7th, my aunty isn't letting me drive because of the bloody switch.

this is my second home haha paddles restaurant. listen to amy winehouse all night long. lovez it.

view from paddles: apia harbour. 

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