today it's a FUCK YOU THURSDAY:
- wellington weather
as you can see from the picture above (taken by my trusty little nokia phone), everyday is the same- shit. it’s freezing at night, freezing in the morning, forever raining, and friggin’ windy.
- not being able to afford new shoes to keep my feet dry
I’m sick of all my shoes becoming completely saturated within 4 steps of leaving my apartment door. my boots seem to attract water and take aaaaages to dry out again. I know what you’re thinking- “buy new ones!” hey buddy, I’m a poor student I can’t fucken buy new ones. fuck you and your steady income. perhaps I will try wearing plastic bags over my shoes.
- 2 hour numeracy lecture starting at 8.30am
how is maths going to help me in my everyday life? who made it up anyway? I hate your guts. I dropped maths as fast as I could while I was in high school. the reason being I don’t fucken get it. well guess what? I still don’t!
- no money in the budget to casually grab a coffee with the classmates
this whole ‘budgeting wisely’ thing is fucken gay. why couldn’t I be a girl without morals and just go and sell my body? I’d be cashed up! damn that catholic up bringing, all I want to do is join in with my peers and talk shit over a good cup of joe.
- people in my numeracy lecture
why are you even listening to connections between different representations of maths? you don’t care. stop acting like you do.
- ugly people
there is no hope for you. the end.
- people who think they look chic but they look cheap
everyone knows that you’re wearing imitation labels from a cheap asian shop. why are you acting like it’s the real thing? it’s jersey knit material and elastine, that type of fabric isn’t even high class you shit head, they belong on your underpants.
- period
over it. cut out my uterus already. or where ever your period comes from. tell them I want to return the product and I want my money back. now.
- everyone who skipped this mornings lecture to finish their assignment that’s due today
two words: time management. you should all be suffering like us who have bothered to turn up to the lecture.
- stop being a dick
you know who you are.
- maths tutorial this afternoon
1 hour of pretending to know what the lecture and the readings were about.
- hoping for the best and my card declining at the school caf
mother fucker. i'm tired and hungry.
* * *
- one more sleep before the end of trimester 1
tomorrow is the last day of trimester. I have been waiting for a sleep in for aaaages.
- my boyfriend arriving this afternoon to visit
yesterday marked our “official one-year” together. It’s sickening, but I haven’t seen him for 2 weeks and I actually miss him.
- flatty making beef schnitzel for dinner tonight (ironic)
I’m losing blood. I need meat.
- getting the latest episode of glee
this shit is addictive. I think about it all day and can’t concentrate because I’m always thinking about the songs. rumour has it that the episode that is arriving tonight has a lady gaga theme..
- flights to samoa for christmas and new years have been confirmed and paid for
my aunty and uncle are fucken awesome.
off the box: sunmaid raisins words of wisdom- (did you know they have quotes on the lid?!)
“the more you do, the more you learn.”
plenty of reflection in that for you. [that’s what your mum said.]
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