I signed up for a new blog at wordpress.. In the back of my mind I justified switching blog sites to new starting a fresh, when really, I knew it was coz I didn't like this one and didn't know how to fix it...
I’ve been out of love with my blog and out of touch with blogging for awhile. I haven’t been doing any justice to the ritzy title I’d created at all. In every effort to make my blog less gaybo, I made it even more gaybo. I’m sorry.
I could blame it on the fact that my flat doesn’t have the internet, or that I’m really busy with school, but I think it began a lot earlier than that.
So here we are.
After messing around on wordpress for the last 3 days creating a "new and improved" blog instead of attending to my assignments it dawned on me that just like my wardrobe, what I have is perfectly fine. It's what I decide to do with it next...
New beginnings? Nah not really. But I’m really going to try and make an effort this time.
Oki Doki.. captain crunch over and out.
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