soooo... it's the day before my 23rd birthday..
what can i say? well, first off i never dreamed that i'd be where i'm at right now.
no boyfriend
no babies
no income
no car
when i was little, my dream of "when i grow up" was nothing like what my current reality is like. i imagined i would be traveling the world with this amazing modeling carrer (lmao WTF?!) and also be studying medicine (at the same time as the whole modeling was going on), with the prospect of becoming a leading surgeon, so that one day i could buy my red mercedes convertible. i'd have an apartment in new york that over looked central park and own 2 cats. (i remember this clearly because we had to do an art project that was about "what i'd see out my window in 10years" and draw it.
instead, what i see out my window is my next door neighbours washing line. i am living at home with my momz, in my 4th year of photography, with no pets what so ever, no license to even drive, and no job...
the closest thing i've come to modeling is watching america's next top model, the closest thing to a mercedes is a picture of my dream silver SLR, the closest thing to new york i've come is well nothing actually lolz, and i faint at the sight of blood.
funny how life is never how you thought it would be.. gosh, maybe i should to the project again, and draw what i think i'll see out my window in 10 yrs time.. i'll be 33. god forbid if i'm still living at home with mum! LMAO