so i know that people either believe or don't, in things like angels, ghosts, psychics, spirits, mediums etc etc. i'm not a hard-core believer in like, jennifer love-hewitt's ghost whisperer, but i like to believe in some higher beings watching out for you and having your back.
i'm not overly religious, i respect peoples differences and don't like those new lifers that try and shove christianity down your throat. i'm pretty private about my beliefs because it's just between me and the universe.
being in asia, has made me open to buddhism. it's great! but i don't think i could go through with complete conversion. (too many years of R.E hahaha) but i can say that i am open minded to some of their beliefs.
in some parts of the world i've been to recently, i totally don't feel like j.c has any rule. (seriously haha) it's like when you're outta your cell phone range. there are other cell phone towers, but they belong to different companies that you're not signed up to. (that's what it feels like to me)
while i was in hanoi, i went past and photographed the 1912 markets, which is actually a mass grave filled with freedom fighters who were resisting the french. in maori beliefs, it is a big no-no to take photos of such places. and if you've ever been to a tangi, or been to the cemetry with a maori, you'll notice that when we leave we throughly wash our hands, flick water over back, (sometimes even emerse our head under the tap) and even sprinkle our car with water. we do that to wash away any spirit of the dead we may have picked up along the way and to prevent them from following us around.
anyways, i think i may have picked up something while on my travels. at first i thought it was just me in dream mode. then when i was awake, i explained it away by 'it must be up-stairs or next-door'. but the noises i hear really can't be from next door or up stais (even though i really wish they were and keep telling myself that they are).
3 nights in a row i've woken up and just had an un-easy feeling. (sorry if you were expecting me to see headless people walking around lolz or lamps moving... not quite). and for 3 nights i've had to sleep with the light on. (i know, how kindergarten is that?) and even sleeping with the light on doesn't help me get back to sleep that well.
a can guarentee that at 3am there will either be a tapping from inside the wardrobe, or else it sounds like someones tryna open my ranch slider to the balcony. (i live on the 15th floor, no fire escape, no way that anyone can jump from balcony to balcony unless you had a flying super-power). so i get up and turn the light on to investigate, and the noise will stop but the room gets really hot, and then the un-easy feeling washes over me.
i always wanna turn the air-con on but on the first night it flickered on and off and then i remembered in the 6th sense that those ghouls like cold places so i was like ok, i'll just have to sweat it out haha
i googled "how to get rid of bad spirits" and these are some of the suggestions-
Say "By the blood of Jesus Christ I command you to leave this home."
Say "In the Name of Jesus Christ, I demand you to flee from this house now. You have no power here!"
What you can do is sprinkle sage around the perimeter of the house and inside as well.
Using Holy Water and sprinkling it in every room of the house while making the sign of the cross with ur hand & saying in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Salt- you put it in 4 corners of your doorways and you can burn Amber Incense
Ok, that is all good and well, but HELLO what if it don't speak english?! do you reckon christian things work on spirits that might be something other than christian?
i even bought rosary beads from the cathedral in town yesterday, in hope they'd put me at ease. (i know, how superstitious catholic can yo get?) they haven't done shit for me.
anywho, that's my scooby doo moment for everyone. (i wish he was here to solve my mystery and tell me everything that i'm getting jumpy over can be explained away!) i'd totally hook him up with scooby snacks!!! hahaha
lets hope it'll let me sleep right through tonight!