Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Dear blog,
I think I may have slightly fucked up.
Ok so I’v been telling everyone on island that we’re “just friends” and re-assuring them that’s all we are. Theeeeen I sorta told him I’d go meet his Aunty and Uncle so they would who he was hanging out with while on island. Then my Aunty (the mother of my cousin who he flats with.. we’ll call her AP) invited him out to dinner and he accepted. So when I called him up last night to confirm and let him know what time, he said he couldn’t go ‘coz his Aunty (who owns the motel he’s staying at.. we’ll call her AV) said he had to go to a fiafia night with all the other guests. So I’ve been texting him all day to ring AP to tell her he’s not gonna make it tonight, but the cell phone networks are down at the moment and they keep bouncing back. Last night I stupidly suggested that I go over to meet and ask AV if he would be allowed to come to dinner.
After explaining my situation to my the Aunty (the one I came over to work for.. well call her AK), she said “no, don’t go because he’s acting like you guys are a couple. Are you?” and me, being judas said “no way!” so she (AK) said he needed to grow some balls and if he wants to go to dinner to tell AV that he is a dumbass and double booked himself or else pick up his sacks and ring AP to say he isn’t coming. (She actually kinda said that haha)
I asked my other Aunty (I have quite afew lmao) who was on skype (we’ll call her AL) what I should do. And she said that I should pop in to say hey and ask AV if he can come to dinner. (Turns out that AL and AV are friends.)
So I told AK what AL said, and AK still said not to go. The thing is, that he is constantly texting me to say “I really think you should come and meet my Aunty and Uncle” and I’m recalling what he’s been saying to his side and I’m fucken positive that he’s made us sound like a couple. I’m torn haha I would just go over and get it over and done with, but if my side (AK, AP etc) say no, then the answer is no.
Now I’m waiting for my Aunty (the one in India.. we’ll call her AA) to wake up coz she knows the answer to everything and she knows the real situation (as in, that we are a little more than “just friends”).
Haha and last night he was telling me that he was “falling” for me. (And I was like, “no you’re not.. trust me you’re not ok?”) hahahaha he’ll be piiiiiiissed when I finally get hold of him to tell him that I’m not going over to meet his aunty and uncle today.
Yes I will take part of the blame for the situation that I’ve currently gotten myself into, but he has to share the load. Coz I think he actually arranged a time and place for us to all to meet “formally”, and you know me. I don’t do formal family things for other people.
Do ya think the heat has gotten to his head? For fucks sake, we’ve talked this over before so we’d never get into a situation like this and we both fell straight into it.
It’s all honourable and all that bull shit that he came over to see me as a surprise ‘coz he missed me, but hey.. I didn’t ask him to. I even encouraged him not to! Am I a bitch for thinking that? Haha I knew this would happen. Damit. For fucks sake. And I haven’t even started on what went down with mumsy last night!
Bloody Samoans. It’s always a family affair. Even if you don’t want it to be. It always is and will be. Always.
I think I may have slightly fucked up.
Ok so I’v been telling everyone on island that we’re “just friends” and re-assuring them that’s all we are. Theeeeen I sorta told him I’d go meet his Aunty and Uncle so they would who he was hanging out with while on island. Then my Aunty (the mother of my cousin who he flats with.. we’ll call her AP) invited him out to dinner and he accepted. So when I called him up last night to confirm and let him know what time, he said he couldn’t go ‘coz his Aunty (who owns the motel he’s staying at.. we’ll call her AV) said he had to go to a fiafia night with all the other guests. So I’ve been texting him all day to ring AP to tell her he’s not gonna make it tonight, but the cell phone networks are down at the moment and they keep bouncing back. Last night I stupidly suggested that I go over to meet and ask AV if he would be allowed to come to dinner.
After explaining my situation to my the Aunty (the one I came over to work for.. well call her AK), she said “no, don’t go because he’s acting like you guys are a couple. Are you?” and me, being judas said “no way!” so she (AK) said he needed to grow some balls and if he wants to go to dinner to tell AV that he is a dumbass and double booked himself or else pick up his sacks and ring AP to say he isn’t coming. (She actually kinda said that haha)
I asked my other Aunty (I have quite afew lmao) who was on skype (we’ll call her AL) what I should do. And she said that I should pop in to say hey and ask AV if he can come to dinner. (Turns out that AL and AV are friends.)
So I told AK what AL said, and AK still said not to go. The thing is, that he is constantly texting me to say “I really think you should come and meet my Aunty and Uncle” and I’m recalling what he’s been saying to his side and I’m fucken positive that he’s made us sound like a couple. I’m torn haha I would just go over and get it over and done with, but if my side (AK, AP etc) say no, then the answer is no.
Now I’m waiting for my Aunty (the one in India.. we’ll call her AA) to wake up coz she knows the answer to everything and she knows the real situation (as in, that we are a little more than “just friends”).
Haha and last night he was telling me that he was “falling” for me. (And I was like, “no you’re not.. trust me you’re not ok?”) hahahaha he’ll be piiiiiiissed when I finally get hold of him to tell him that I’m not going over to meet his aunty and uncle today.
Yes I will take part of the blame for the situation that I’ve currently gotten myself into, but he has to share the load. Coz I think he actually arranged a time and place for us to all to meet “formally”, and you know me. I don’t do formal family things for other people.
Do ya think the heat has gotten to his head? For fucks sake, we’ve talked this over before so we’d never get into a situation like this and we both fell straight into it.
It’s all honourable and all that bull shit that he came over to see me as a surprise ‘coz he missed me, but hey.. I didn’t ask him to. I even encouraged him not to! Am I a bitch for thinking that? Haha I knew this would happen. Damit. For fucks sake. And I haven’t even started on what went down with mumsy last night!
Bloody Samoans. It’s always a family affair. Even if you don’t want it to be. It always is and will be. Always.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
usually wi-fi is faaaarken expensive over here (remember not so long ago when i was having a cry about how i wouldn't be able to blog as much etc?) well i would like to say a big "fa'afetai lava" (thank you) to mr.lavaspot card... it seems that this 20hr card (retailing at a cool $137.00 tala) hasn't been processed properly, because i've had unlimited wi-fi connection baby!!
i'm hoping that this will continue until my stay is through, because DAMN with all the shit going down at work, the internet has been my saviour. holding me down and keeping me sane.
yay for my lavaspot card and HAHA to the dumb-ass that will end up having to pay for this bill in the end :P
i was sooo sleep deprived on thursday that as i was rushing up the steps to the IPA office next door (there are only 3) i somehow managed to end up kissing the ground... man oh man it hurt.. and all i have is this to show. everyone says it looks like a nipple when i bend my knee.. thanks guys. i think my ego was bruised more than my body haha
Saturday, September 19, 2009
in 2 hours...
he'll be on island.
in 48 hours...
she'll be on island.
in 72 hours...
i may possibly have a mental break down. (hahahaha)
he'll be on island.
in 48 hours...
she'll be on island.
in 72 hours...
i may possibly have a mental break down. (hahahaha)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
OMG so here i am feeling sorry for myself 'coz i've got a shitty weekend of work lined up and then a guest asks me about MENA designs. i'm like, "umm i dunno" (sleep deprived = grumpy me). but i went and googled where the shop was in auckland for her and holy crap, there is something i like about this island now... it's MENA designs.
hella expensive for a dress (starting from around $300 tala) but i think i may have to go and have a look-see with my aunty one day just to try some on. (i have 2 MENA dresses already, but they are from awhile back..)
here's a write up about the shop i found online:
MENA is a designer label from Samoa specialising in high end special occasion wear for women. The MENA look is sophisticated, elegant and very chic with distinctive use of printed Polynesian motifs of island flora or traditional ‘tatau' (tattoo). The balance between contemporary fashion and traditional Polynesian art is finely tuned in their designs.
MENA is a family owned business in every sense - four Samoan sisters Agnes, Jackie, Gina and Charlene Loheni along with their mother Mena Loheni all started working together from their family home in Apia, designing and creating hand printed dresses. The girls' father, Frank Loheni is also very involved in helping out wherever he can in the business. Word steadily got out about their unique style and they soon became very popular with the locals. Within two years after they were selling from home the family opened their own boutique in town. The business has been flourishing ever since with stockists in New Zealand, Hawaii & Rarotonga.
anyways, there is alot more on their website, so if you're bored check out MENA designs
god (or buddha) wants me to be happy after all.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
NZ music!
seriously, nowhere in the world does it like us. (well HELLO it wouldn't be "NZ music" if it was made somewhere else would it?!) nothing like a good dose of kiwi artists to clear out the lungs, open up the eyes and brighten up your day. crowded house, to che-fu, to goodshirt to herbs, it makes me feel like a patriotic mo' fo' every time it penetrates my ear drums. (haha i said "penetrate") even j-skywalkers favourite band *ahem* elemno p... dahahahahaha!!!
i've posted this song before, but it's currently playing on the radio here in samoa. the end.
the suck thing about working in motels?
when guests want early morning wake up calls.
the end.
when guests want early morning wake up calls.
the end.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
i learnt what a "bodum" is. and then i was asking why it was called a bodum and no-one could tell me. so i turned to god (aka google..) which led me to wikipedia and was enlightened by this (which i just want to share with you haha)
The French press goes by various names around the world. In New Zealand, Australia and South Africa the whole apparatus is known as a coffee plunger and coffee brewed in it as plunger coffee. Its French name is cafetière à piston. In French it is also known by its brand names, notably a Bodum or a melior, from an old brand of this type. In the UK, the Netherlands, and Ireland the device is known as a cafetière, the French word for a coffee maker or pot.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
finished reading this book a few hours ago. haven't read a decent book in awhile... meant to go and watch razz perform at maliu mai in the showtime finals tonight, (even forked out 10 tala for a ticket) but in the turn of events, didn't go.
odie's bornday tomorrow, small hoping we'll go out for drinks, but the neither of the girls are well so i might be a quiet meal somewhere.
long weekend this weekend because of the road switch. yes it's true, samoa is having monday and tuesday off. stupid-asses.
teuila festival wrap up this saturday i think. the only thing i'm interested in (actually not just me.. i can safely say the entire island) is the long boat racing. 7am start... cutting it abit close for me though, so might have to sit this one out.
one more thing to add to my list of what i don't heart. just noticed it today- samoan's tryna dance like other islands (eg cook island, tahiti, hawaii etc) no offence, but you should stick to your own culture. siva samoa is where it's at. don't try be something you're not.
another thing to add to my list is that my english is faltering (no really... it's really bad) i blame being constantly surrounded by FOBS!
can you believe that he doesn't have a passport and he's expecting to fly outta NZ on the 19th?! LMAO stupid foooooll! seriously, i had to talk him through what to do over MSN this afternoon. i gave him a list of things to do and so far he's completed 75% of that list. not too bad.
oki doki, bring on the weekend.
so i found out that he planned to "suprise" me by coming over.
not being an overly big fan of suprises, i'm glad i found out... lucky though, 'coz if he'd just rocked up i would be soooooo pissed off haha. when i first heard, i thought it was him just being an east-ass when i heard he was telling everyone that he was heading over to see me. but when i confronted him about it (he was small gutted i found out), he emailed me his e-ticket as proof.
so in 15 days, my... good friend? haha my.. cousins flatmate? lolz my... friendboy? will be on island for 2 weeks.
so many thoughts running through my mind right now.
not being an overly big fan of suprises, i'm glad i found out... lucky though, 'coz if he'd just rocked up i would be soooooo pissed off haha. when i first heard, i thought it was him just being an east-ass when i heard he was telling everyone that he was heading over to see me. but when i confronted him about it (he was small gutted i found out), he emailed me his e-ticket as proof.
so in 15 days, my... good friend? haha my.. cousins flatmate? lolz my... friendboy? will be on island for 2 weeks.
so many thoughts running through my mind right now.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
- girls with fat legs
- girls with fat legs that wear mini skirts or short shorts
- girls here in general
- the lack of fashion sense (like SERIOUSLY- it's repulsive)
- the lack of originality (it's all been done before baby, you just have to make it your own... dummies)
- deep fried everything
- girls with fat legs that wear mini skirts or short shorts
- girls here in general
- the lack of fashion sense (like SERIOUSLY- it's repulsive)
- the lack of originality (it's all been done before baby, you just have to make it your own... dummies)
- deep fried everything
ok we already know how much i heart miss keri, but this asher roth guy? he's funny! anyways, this is my new "feel good" turn up song that i stumbled across on my internet travels. it's cool because i said it was, and i don't really care if you don't like it, 'coz hello! it's MY feel good song.. go find your own. the end. haha
- the stupid American accent everyone has
- the price of food at the grocery store (it’s all pams as well)
- mozzies
- the stupid ass, ignorant radio djs who think they’re cool
- crap tv (I mean seriously, touched by an angel episodes?! And season two greys anatomy?)
- movies only being out at the cinema’s for 3days and then they all friggin’ change
- the road switch happening on the 7th
- the lack of sun at the moment.. it’s meant to be dry season and it’s been raining all week.
- People who do not indicate (80% of the drivers on island)
- People who do not know the road rules (95% of the drivers on island)
- Traffic lights not working
- Being stuck behind a stupid fuck who doesn’t know what to do when the traffic lights aren’t working
- Mcdonalds not serving hot chocolate
- Waiting for boats to bring in supplies (eg, there has been no best mayonnaise, or potatoes, or thai sweet chilli sauce, or fresh eggs on island for the past 2 weeks)
- New restaurants opening, and being amazing, and you recommending it to everyone, and then when you go again, the meals have down sized and the prices have up-sized
- People who can’t speak English
- ELEVATOR EYES (more on this subject later)
- The bell that is rung around the times of 4am and 6pm to announce that it is prayer time in the village (being woken up daily at 4am is a bitch)
- Ants (these fuckers can sniff out food a mile away)
- Stray dogs (guts hanging out and all)
- The massive fuck off trucks everyone drives around here
- Staff asking me for money
- Petrol tankers overtaking on the narrow roads in the city
- Radio stations only catering to r&b listeners
- The price of internet
Hmmm that’s all I can think of at the moment.. but don’t you worry. I shall be adding to list me thinks.
- the price of food at the grocery store (it’s all pams as well)
- mozzies
- the stupid ass, ignorant radio djs who think they’re cool
- crap tv (I mean seriously, touched by an angel episodes?! And season two greys anatomy?)
- movies only being out at the cinema’s for 3days and then they all friggin’ change
- the road switch happening on the 7th
- the lack of sun at the moment.. it’s meant to be dry season and it’s been raining all week.
- People who do not indicate (80% of the drivers on island)
- People who do not know the road rules (95% of the drivers on island)
- Traffic lights not working
- Being stuck behind a stupid fuck who doesn’t know what to do when the traffic lights aren’t working
- Mcdonalds not serving hot chocolate
- Waiting for boats to bring in supplies (eg, there has been no best mayonnaise, or potatoes, or thai sweet chilli sauce, or fresh eggs on island for the past 2 weeks)
- New restaurants opening, and being amazing, and you recommending it to everyone, and then when you go again, the meals have down sized and the prices have up-sized
- People who can’t speak English
- ELEVATOR EYES (more on this subject later)
- The bell that is rung around the times of 4am and 6pm to announce that it is prayer time in the village (being woken up daily at 4am is a bitch)
- Ants (these fuckers can sniff out food a mile away)
- Stray dogs (guts hanging out and all)
- The massive fuck off trucks everyone drives around here
- Staff asking me for money
- Petrol tankers overtaking on the narrow roads in the city
- Radio stations only catering to r&b listeners
- The price of internet
Hmmm that’s all I can think of at the moment.. but don’t you worry. I shall be adding to list me thinks.
my photography lecturers would soooo give me a hiding for using my camera on my phone but meh. it's fun to play with (once i worked it out haha) these should tie you over until i think of something profoundly interesting to blog about that has happened or is happening...
this is my second home haha paddles restaurant. listen to amy winehouse all night long. lovez it.
i've been a slack arse but i'm back.. (i said that last time hahaha)
no but really, i will honestly try to post at least once a week... maybe even twice? hmm no, no, baby steps first.
peace to the kids in the middle east.
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