i hate how you've trapped my cousin. especially after all you put our family through. the only reason why you're still together is for my nephew. (i don't know why, since full custody was won) who by the way is already screwed up at 2, and will only get worse.
he's a reflection of you. the path of destruction that is you.
even though i don't approve of my cousins extra curricular activites behind your back (that i'm sure you're aware of, but deny) which include 2 of your flatmates (which you don't know about), you deserve everything you get.
i don't apologize for not being polite to you. i don't like you. there's no denying it. i'm not even gonna make an effort after all you have done. my cousin is dumb enough to let you back in for the sake of your son. (don't even get me started on being 'together' for the sake of the child. everybody knows that is more detrimental to all involved)
your attitude over the weekend was disgusting. how dare you treat my cousin like shit infront of our family. how dare you smack my neice, yet you cannot dicipline your own son. i could go on and on but i've wasted enough energy on you and you're not even worth it.
i just want my cousin back. i know it won't be like old times. but shit, at least it would be away from you.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
i was like, what the hell is wrong with my blog? it's not hitting the spot for me (hahahaha) anywho, i've figured it out. i've been tryna make my blog all like the american ones i frequent (haha) and making it all 'kiwiana' then i was like wtf? why? cool stuff like what i read in other peoples blogs just don't bloody happen around here lolz and kiwiana is so over-rated (so says j skywalker lolz) so i'm taking it back to basics... or back to the roots. or something along those lines. i was totally "fronting". well, not totally. but yea. it'll take me some time to figure out a layout i like, but the new banner thing is a start. man i love that pixelated aligator. and the infamous "S" that i think j skywalker should make her trademark haha hellz yea!
don't mock me for living in a boring city, with boring people (sans the BAVI kids). it's actually a nice place to bring your kids up, but seeing as i don't have any ad i'm no longer a 'kid' (more like a 'kidult" lolz) it's just not doing it for me. ok, i'm rambling on about something totally differnet now. i will stop here. *the end* hahahaha
don't mock me for living in a boring city, with boring people (sans the BAVI kids). it's actually a nice place to bring your kids up, but seeing as i don't have any ad i'm no longer a 'kid' (more like a 'kidult" lolz) it's just not doing it for me. ok, i'm rambling on about something totally differnet now. i will stop here. *the end* hahahaha
Friday, November 28, 2008
for the first time on tv, the weather has been consistantly fantastic all week. today is no exception. don't take this the wrong way, i'm not ranting, but shit it is hot! it's 5.18pm and i'm laying low in the hallway 'coz it's outta reach of the sun & 'coz the wooden floors are nice and cool.
it's so hot (for us anyways), that this morning i was sweltering as i was doing my hair. i had to do one half, take a nap, and then get up to finish the rest off hahahaha (damn bi-racial hair lolz!!)
believe you me, i LOVE days like these. i DREAM of days like these. except, i usually have SOMETHING TO DO on days like these. because i usually have MONEY TO BURN on days like these. but seeing as i'm totally un-employed, i spent the day in front of the t.v. i gritted my teeth through tyra (it was all about propsing), fell asleep during dr.phil, and switched off oprah to watch dvds instead. but i've noticed that i can't even sit through a damn dvd anymore! can you contract ADD as you get older? 'coz i think i've got it. my attention span is ZILCH these days.
man i wish i was at my dads on days like these. i'd be at the beach, getting my black on for sure! hahaha
1. blow flies, flies, ants, mozzies... all those bastard insects
2. gaining weight from all the bbq's and drinking beer in the sun
3. sweat patches appearing while talking to hott boys
4. big hair from humidity
5. knowing that it will come to an end all too soon, 'coz nothing lasts forever
2. gaining weight from all the bbq's and drinking beer in the sun
3. sweat patches appearing while talking to hott boys
4. big hair from humidity
5. knowing that it will come to an end all too soon, 'coz nothing lasts forever
Thursday, November 27, 2008

OMG i never thought i'd ever say this but i could not wait to come home and take my shoes off today!!! hahaha! i HATE when people do not wear shoes. i think it's disgusting, dirty and hori az. (and totally embarrassing when my dad walks around town in bare feet!!!! ultimate cringe factor!) while walking around town today, my feet were really hot and i was this close to taking my shoes off.
i've noticed that i've had this thing for going around bare foot at the moment. i don't know why! haha i've always made fun of how rangi it is when people to do it.
i've got this pet hate of feet, but i make sure that i take care of mine when i'm wearing jandals. dry feet are gross. chipped pedicures are gross. cracked heels... don't even go there! hahaha
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

well i ended up going out last night hahaha 'bout 10.30 my cousin txt me and was like, "get outta bed i'm outside waiting for you" so i had to get ready under 10mins flat (and i must say, i did well considering!) we got to the bar, and it was actually going off! i thought we were just gonna make an appearance, congratulate the ones graduating and then go home.
however, what started off as me going, "no, i'm not drinkng tonight thanks" changed into, several vodka lemon & lime drinks and a nasty shot of some sort (that i cheated and spat out into an empty glass when the boys weren't looking). then we danced until 3am and then we ended up going back up the hill with the tahitians.
somehow T2 managed to rip off his mums front bumper while the boys were doing burn outs and who knows what else in the part that they're developing up there and i was sooo blazed (coz i haven't smoked in a long time) that i was cracking up and saying "the end." after every sentence. (ie. "oooh your mum's gonna give you a hiding! the end." *hahaha* "dude, he looks pissed off to the days! the end." *hahaha*) you get my drift?
now i titled this "boys are stupid" because i was out with 4 of the boys. 2 are in long term relationships, 1 in this 'sort of' relationship and the other is single.
what cracked me up is that my cousin, who has his bebo page dedicated to how much he loves his g/f (they're high school sweethearts as such) was the one that was totally on the prowl and tryna hook into every girl at the club hahaha he would ask, "but seriously, out of 10- how would you rate her?" and i was like, "ummm about a 3?" and his reply would be, "shit i must be really drunk 'coz she looks like a 9.5 to me!" and i would remind him about his g/f (who didn't know he was out) and he'd just brush it off lolz
it was funny listening to them "freestyle" about how deep they'd go, and how she'd cry out for more blah blah blah and then they'd remember i was there, apologize, then continue on hahahaha i was like "omg you guys are SUCH homos!!! keep dreaming!"
at the end of the night, the duckrockers got no booty, even though they tried to get me to help them out. i was like, hells no am i taking a part in cheating on your g/f! i like her! lolz
my cousin ended up losing his phone somehow, and then he was totally peaking 'coz his g/f would be tryna get a hold of him in the morning. i was like, "oh, so you have a g/f now aye?" hahahaha we didn't find it and he was shitting himself coz he'd be in trouble with her (esp. coz he wasn't meant to be out) lmao
it was just interesting to be on 'the other side' and take a glimpse into the [horny] male psyche for a night. it cemented the fact that even the nicest boys when sober, that have the best intentions, are completely different dickheads when they're waaaaasted.
we ended up getting home at 5.30am and that is when mumzy wakes up so i had to listen to her clatter around the house before i fell asleep.
*the end*
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
10 random things

Ooooooooookay, it's tuesday night, there is shit all on t.v, i was invited to an "exclusive" farewell party hosted by hott tahitians that have hired out one of the bars in town for the night but i can't be bothered going 'coz they actually want my cousin to go not me, so here i am... on-line, reading the latest fashion quarterly in bed instead haha j-skywalker had a funny az quiz thingy on her blog that i was gonna steal but i fear my answers will be dry, so i found this one instead.
10 random things bout me!
1. i love the smell of vanilla essence when i add it to chocolate cake
2. i put stuff back into the fridge/cupboard/shelf even if they're empty/finished instead of the bin
3. i order the same subway everytime
4. i can't swim
5. i think scars on are hott and my own are cool haha
6. i like white linen
7. i want a Mercedes SLR (since i was like, 10!)
8. i'm still waiting to "be discovered: lmao
9. if he'd ask, i'd say yes (and we don't even know each other that well!!!)
10. i've never had a boyfriend, but i am constantly asked about relationship advice
9 things to win my heart..
1. humour & height (they come in equally!)
2. intelligence
3. trust
4. have a vision & be driven
5. crazy swag
6. not stingy
7. thinking outside the box
8. confidence
9. wanna take me places & expose me to new things
8 things I wanna do before I die...
1. travel the world
2. live abroad
3. go swimming at the beach at night
4. capture a historical moment on camera & be famous for at least ONE photograph! lolz
5. throw a big party for my friends on a warm summer night like in No.2
6. own native soup (HAHA)
7. own a walk in wardrobe like the one mr.big made for carrie
8. have my own spawn that i can mould into mini-me's haha
7 ways to annoy me..
1. leave no hot water when i'm next in the shower
2. being late
3. watch the simpsons
4. ignorance
5. start telling a story then get distracted mid-sentence & forget the rest or just stop completely
6. call and not leave a msg
7. being rude & intolerant
6 Things I believe in..
1. me
2. karma
3. god
4. like attracts like
5. the truth
6. love?
5 things im afraid of..
2. turning into mumzy
3. getting left behind
4. when i'm swimming in the sea sharks/stingrays
5. being unemployed forever
4 of my favorite things
1. earl grey tea
2. hott boys
3. pretty and practical underware
4. my hair
3 things I do everyday
1. look in the mirror
2. eat breakfast
3. check my email
2 Things I want to do right now
1. get drunk & go out dancing lmao
2. board a plane to anywhere but here
1 Person I want to see
1. Barrack Obama
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
he added me to his facebook and i was like YAY! and then i went to look at his photos and HELLO, he as a dog AND a girlfriend (hence my DAMIT!) hahahaha i don't even know why i'm being like this, but i just am. and then i read all these comments wishing him luck for when he moves the the states to play rugby. could you get any further away from me?! how are we meant to bump into each other at pak'n'save if you go over there?! hahahaha the dream of my caramel babies has faded away LMAO i'm going back to bed. what's the point of being awake if it's only to look at photos of him, his gf and them having happy family times with their dog? (ho-lee what a hater guy lolz) i don't care, i'm allowed. i'm hungover and this discovery has not helped my lethargic mood in any way. (i must say, photos of him and the dog are cute tho.. ) cut it out already! hahahaha
Thursday, November 20, 2008

haha i friggin' heart this dress! everyone is like, ewwww it looks like my grandma's curtains. i love the fluro colours mixed with the earthy browns. oh so retro. anywho, i wore this the other day and even mumzy was like, 'yuck you look like a hippy.' hahahaha it's not even from an op shop or anything, it's straight off the racks in dotti lolz

she came back from shopping while i was furiously working my ass off and then suggested we go to town. anywho, i ended up with these: a cute summer dress and some bed boxer shorts. i was like wtf? is something wrong with you? hahahaha i ain't complaining though, i haven't been shopping in aaaaaaages so it felt good to have new stuff! (even if it's just for bed lolz)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
i found him on facebook! :)
so now the wait is on for him to accept me.
(probs take ages 'coz he's one of those guys who'd sign in occasionally) not live & breathe it like i do lmao
his profile photo is sooooo cute *sigh* hahahahaha he's fast asleep with a puppy
(this video has no relevance to this post, other than the fact that i really love jazmine sullivans voice and this song is currently on repeat on j skywalkers ipod)
so now the wait is on for him to accept me.
(probs take ages 'coz he's one of those guys who'd sign in occasionally) not live & breathe it like i do lmao
his profile photo is sooooo cute *sigh* hahahahaha he's fast asleep with a puppy
(this video has no relevance to this post, other than the fact that i really love jazmine sullivans voice and this song is currently on repeat on j skywalkers ipod)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
so i thought i had another week of job hunting and dvd watching, and then all of a sudden all this stuff needs to be done @ the same time.
* i've got a deadline for a client @ 4pm
* it's our end of year graduate exhibition @ te manaway gallery
* i'm modelling for my friend in her end of year fashion school show in wangaz
so i'm still working towards the deadline for this so-called "client", and time is running out. it's kind of make-or-break for me. exhibition- meh, i'm not looking for a job in the industry because i just want to travel and teach and save all the jonah takalua's. fashion show? a waste of my time, but i'm true to my word and so i'll do it.
i'm just annoyed that the fashion show is gonna take 3 days (wednesday, thursday and friday) away from working towards my deadline. i'm helping out a friend outta the goodness of my heart (which i don't think i actually possess haha) and it's screwing my stuff up.
client comes first. the rest of my life will follow (HAHA!) so now i'm all outta sorts, can't complete sentences coz i'm low-key stressing that i won't get it done. eating heaps of crap 'coz... actually i have no real excuse for that. and doing everything but work on this thing that's due on friday.
i keep telling myself i will, but i know i won't.
i hope i can fit my dress for fashion show, i haven't been to spin for 2 weeks, been eating heaps and feel like i've gained 100kgs hahahaha shit. i wish all my fat would just give me bigger boobs but instead it all goes to my hips.
i'm making mixtapes (CDs) for the car coz mumsy has shitty cds and i'm sick of listening to abba (even tho i love mama mia lmao)
ok, now i've gotta go write a 200 word blurb about myself & my work that's due tomorrow that's meant to accompany my art work for exhibition.
man, i was dreading a week of just being a bum and watching dvds. but now...
i need to get my nails done.
* i've got a deadline for a client @ 4pm
* it's our end of year graduate exhibition @ te manaway gallery
* i'm modelling for my friend in her end of year fashion school show in wangaz
so i'm still working towards the deadline for this so-called "client", and time is running out. it's kind of make-or-break for me. exhibition- meh, i'm not looking for a job in the industry because i just want to travel and teach and save all the jonah takalua's. fashion show? a waste of my time, but i'm true to my word and so i'll do it.
i'm just annoyed that the fashion show is gonna take 3 days (wednesday, thursday and friday) away from working towards my deadline. i'm helping out a friend outta the goodness of my heart (which i don't think i actually possess haha) and it's screwing my stuff up.
client comes first. the rest of my life will follow (HAHA!) so now i'm all outta sorts, can't complete sentences coz i'm low-key stressing that i won't get it done. eating heaps of crap 'coz... actually i have no real excuse for that. and doing everything but work on this thing that's due on friday.
i keep telling myself i will, but i know i won't.
i hope i can fit my dress for fashion show, i haven't been to spin for 2 weeks, been eating heaps and feel like i've gained 100kgs hahahaha shit. i wish all my fat would just give me bigger boobs but instead it all goes to my hips.
i'm making mixtapes (CDs) for the car coz mumsy has shitty cds and i'm sick of listening to abba (even tho i love mama mia lmao)
ok, now i've gotta go write a 200 word blurb about myself & my work that's due tomorrow that's meant to accompany my art work for exhibition.
man, i was dreading a week of just being a bum and watching dvds. but now...
i need to get my nails done.
i came across jesse mccartney's remake of t-pain's "buy you a drink" song, and it made me crack up. jesse and t-pain, what where you thinking?! listen here to the crazy-ness:
Monday, November 17, 2008
ok, i made it down to wellington for the weekend (and back home again) with all of 30 bucks in my pocket. i think that was the highlight of my weekend.
anyways, went down to BANG IT with tee and rani (tee found this amazing place & moved in on friday, rani was in wellyz filming) so of course i had to join in on the weekend festivities, even tho there was alot going on here too (ok it was only 2 parties, but that's alot for round here hahaha)
drove down with rev & her famz 'coz she was flying outta wellyz to aucks to spend a few days with dr.bass (lolz) before heading back to melbs. so free ride down (yuss!)
i think it was the first time all 4 of us had been together since rani's 21st.
we went to hope bros for what was meant to be a glass of wine before rev flew out, but ended up being 2 bottles lmao it was good times all around catching up, acting up, and of course drinking lolz
i was sad to wave rev off, and she kinda wished she was staying too. i could not believe she threw $20 outta the taxi window! what a wannabe islander lolz so we were playing the whole throw it back & run away game with her while she was in a moving vehicle haha but she ended up winning coz they got a green light & she threw it out and they took off.
'coz we were kinda tipsy from drinking at mid-day, when evening came we were all pretty tired hahahaha so we lost a bit of momentum there.
anywho, i was expecting a mind blowing saturday night but once again wellington failed to impress or even excite me.
i think it was also because those two have low-key "issues" happening at the mo' so one was an angry, agressive drunk and the other was a sad, sulky drunk. then there was me who was stuck in the middle of them both, feeling like if i spent too much time with one i was playing off the other, and wondering where all the hott boys were? poor form for wellintons behalf.
tee left clubs early coz she was feeling 'sick'. so when she went, rani let off steam about her (and drank like a friggin' spartan! lmao honestly, i don't know how she did it!) and i had to keep dancing like i was having the best time off my life, but i was actually exhausted and wanted to go to sleep hahahaha
yesterday we were all tired and hung-over. strolled into the city for a feed (i had the best miso soup in my life!) and returned back home.
that night, we played "would you rather..." i pretty much sucked at asking the questions at the beginning, but then got better as the night progressed. i was however, really good @ answering them lolz
we pretty much played until mid-night in our zombie state haha and didn't even realize how long we played for. (we started at like, 7pm!) anyways, i stupidly asked "would you rather heaps of friends that you weren't close to, or only 3 friends that you were super close to?" tee answered 3 friends you were super close with and rani answered heaps of friends that you weren't close to. we were like? huh? are you sure? and she was like, yup. because i just need my family. that's all. i'd rather not trust anyone and have my family close. i think that hurt tee and she went quiet for awhile. as for me, i was friggin' kicking myself for asking the question!!!
our night went kinda downhill from there and that's when we checked the time and called it a night.
islanders and their bloody loyalty to their families! they really stick to the "blood is thicker than water" saying.
it was funny 'coz then i asked "would you rather take a bullet for your sister or your best friend?" and of course, they both said "sister" at the same time... meanwhile my answer was "bestfriend" hahahaha seriously, i know it's stink but i would really be lost with out rev over my sisters. i wonder if it would be different if they were my full sisters or if we grew up together.
anywho, that's why my weekend in wellington ended up to be crap haha i should've just stayed here lolz
oooh, but i have something to look forward to! SEVENS!!! woop! woop! hahaha it'll all be on in feb next year! bring on the sexy boys! lmao
anyways, went down to BANG IT with tee and rani (tee found this amazing place & moved in on friday, rani was in wellyz filming) so of course i had to join in on the weekend festivities, even tho there was alot going on here too (ok it was only 2 parties, but that's alot for round here hahaha)
drove down with rev & her famz 'coz she was flying outta wellyz to aucks to spend a few days with dr.bass (lolz) before heading back to melbs. so free ride down (yuss!)
i think it was the first time all 4 of us had been together since rani's 21st.
we went to hope bros for what was meant to be a glass of wine before rev flew out, but ended up being 2 bottles lmao it was good times all around catching up, acting up, and of course drinking lolz
i was sad to wave rev off, and she kinda wished she was staying too. i could not believe she threw $20 outta the taxi window! what a wannabe islander lolz so we were playing the whole throw it back & run away game with her while she was in a moving vehicle haha but she ended up winning coz they got a green light & she threw it out and they took off.
'coz we were kinda tipsy from drinking at mid-day, when evening came we were all pretty tired hahahaha so we lost a bit of momentum there.
anywho, i was expecting a mind blowing saturday night but once again wellington failed to impress or even excite me.
i think it was also because those two have low-key "issues" happening at the mo' so one was an angry, agressive drunk and the other was a sad, sulky drunk. then there was me who was stuck in the middle of them both, feeling like if i spent too much time with one i was playing off the other, and wondering where all the hott boys were? poor form for wellintons behalf.
tee left clubs early coz she was feeling 'sick'. so when she went, rani let off steam about her (and drank like a friggin' spartan! lmao honestly, i don't know how she did it!) and i had to keep dancing like i was having the best time off my life, but i was actually exhausted and wanted to go to sleep hahahaha
yesterday we were all tired and hung-over. strolled into the city for a feed (i had the best miso soup in my life!) and returned back home.
that night, we played "would you rather..." i pretty much sucked at asking the questions at the beginning, but then got better as the night progressed. i was however, really good @ answering them lolz
we pretty much played until mid-night in our zombie state haha and didn't even realize how long we played for. (we started at like, 7pm!) anyways, i stupidly asked "would you rather heaps of friends that you weren't close to, or only 3 friends that you were super close to?" tee answered 3 friends you were super close with and rani answered heaps of friends that you weren't close to. we were like? huh? are you sure? and she was like, yup. because i just need my family. that's all. i'd rather not trust anyone and have my family close. i think that hurt tee and she went quiet for awhile. as for me, i was friggin' kicking myself for asking the question!!!
our night went kinda downhill from there and that's when we checked the time and called it a night.
islanders and their bloody loyalty to their families! they really stick to the "blood is thicker than water" saying.
it was funny 'coz then i asked "would you rather take a bullet for your sister or your best friend?" and of course, they both said "sister" at the same time... meanwhile my answer was "bestfriend" hahahaha seriously, i know it's stink but i would really be lost with out rev over my sisters. i wonder if it would be different if they were my full sisters or if we grew up together.
anywho, that's why my weekend in wellington ended up to be crap haha i should've just stayed here lolz
oooh, but i have something to look forward to! SEVENS!!! woop! woop! hahaha it'll all be on in feb next year! bring on the sexy boys! lmao
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
this is the song we're walking down the isle to. dahahaha i mean CATWALK!!! lolz it's from that club scene in sione's wedding when princess enters the bar with the guys. the movie is memorable for me because my 'friend' *cough* *cough* is an extra (his 15mins of fame lolz) and i hate that he's obvious in both scenes he's in & the fact that he looks so damn tasty (HAHA!). damn you! lmao. almost everything reminds me of you, you bastard! hahahaha this entry was meant to be about the fashion show & i ended up talking about you.
*99 problems*,
*i heart NZ*,
*just listen*,
all i can say about my current situation is: WTF?! are you serious?
"i always miss out for you"
"you look after your friends but you can't look after anyone else"
yes, mumzy is at it again. everything was going ka pai 'til we got to pak'n'save and i asked her to buy me a packet of toffee pops so i could make truffles tonight 'coz i was a couple of dollars short. then she got in a huff! i was like, honestly?! nah don't worry about it then, i can just use one packet. she muttered some shit under her breath and walked off to pay for them & went straight to the car. when i caught up and thanked her, she'd started 'the silent treatment'. i thought to myself, here we go again. i can't believe i have to put up with this bull shit. we got home, and then i asked her how much butter i needed to put into the truffle mixture. butter? you don't put any butter in it, she snapped back. then came the classic lines "i always miss out for you... you look after your friends but you can't look after anyone else." i was like, don't you even get me started. (in my head of course haha i'd probs make her cry if i began a battle) i could not wait to blog this shit! hahahaha
so i didn't bother telling her that i wasn't graduating. (i've told the rest of my family, and they've been really supportive!) amazingly, my nana felt really sorry for me and said not to get too up set because i might fall into 'temptation' and proceeded to explain things like sex & drugs to me. it was akkward but hey, i'd rather that, then her be mad! lolz anyways...
what i felt like turning around and saying was, "well i'm not graduating next year, and i'm planning on moving to samoa to work. then you won't have to worry about missing out ever again, the house will always be tidy and you'll have millions of dollars to spend on yourself (HAHA whatever!) instead of me bludging off you, you'll never have to worry about picking me up at 3 o'clock in the morning after clubs and you'll be super happy ALL BY YOURSELF!" dahahahahahaha
fuck that would've been awesome. but no, i just 'took it' (HAHA) and let her rave on like the hypocrite she denies she is and now she's gone to her room (thank god) and i'm free to make my damn truffles in peace,
"i always miss out for you" HAHA good one mumzy! don't try and guilt trip me. IT WILL NOT WORK! ummm there's thing called, what's it called? oh yeah TERMINATION. maybe you should've thought about it 23 years ago. lmao (man, one day i'm gonna acidently blurt that joke out to her). you never thought about 'missing out for me' when you left me here and moved to samoa to 'find yourself'. nah bro, you were the crazy party girl with no responsibilities, living the good life ('coz your family in NZ were picking up your slack and raising me instead), yes you wrote to me as much as your could *ahem* (every month or every second month) but um, i also remember counting down the sleeps 'til you came home for school holidays only to be told by nana "your mum has gone to fiji for the holidays with her friends instead.. maybe she'll visit next holidays". lmao, yes i TOTALLY have "mommy issues". don't fuck with me, 'coz i'll win. when i'm gone, YOU'LL be the one missing me, living in regret and begging me to come home to visit. (and ya know what, even if she she didn't, i wouldn't feel bad, or even suprised. i actually don't have feeling.. must be the express milk LMAO)
ok, that's all from me and my experiences of living with a dickhead. i'm not even gonna get started on the friends comment. i'll save that for another time, when i have an example to disect and rave on about hahahaha better go get started on my truffles aye?
"i always miss out for you"
"you look after your friends but you can't look after anyone else"
yes, mumzy is at it again. everything was going ka pai 'til we got to pak'n'save and i asked her to buy me a packet of toffee pops so i could make truffles tonight 'coz i was a couple of dollars short. then she got in a huff! i was like, honestly?! nah don't worry about it then, i can just use one packet. she muttered some shit under her breath and walked off to pay for them & went straight to the car. when i caught up and thanked her, she'd started 'the silent treatment'. i thought to myself, here we go again. i can't believe i have to put up with this bull shit. we got home, and then i asked her how much butter i needed to put into the truffle mixture. butter? you don't put any butter in it, she snapped back. then came the classic lines "i always miss out for you... you look after your friends but you can't look after anyone else." i was like, don't you even get me started. (in my head of course haha i'd probs make her cry if i began a battle) i could not wait to blog this shit! hahahaha
so i didn't bother telling her that i wasn't graduating. (i've told the rest of my family, and they've been really supportive!) amazingly, my nana felt really sorry for me and said not to get too up set because i might fall into 'temptation' and proceeded to explain things like sex & drugs to me. it was akkward but hey, i'd rather that, then her be mad! lolz anyways...
what i felt like turning around and saying was, "well i'm not graduating next year, and i'm planning on moving to samoa to work. then you won't have to worry about missing out ever again, the house will always be tidy and you'll have millions of dollars to spend on yourself (HAHA whatever!) instead of me bludging off you, you'll never have to worry about picking me up at 3 o'clock in the morning after clubs and you'll be super happy ALL BY YOURSELF!" dahahahahahaha
fuck that would've been awesome. but no, i just 'took it' (HAHA) and let her rave on like the hypocrite she denies she is and now she's gone to her room (thank god) and i'm free to make my damn truffles in peace,
"i always miss out for you" HAHA good one mumzy! don't try and guilt trip me. IT WILL NOT WORK! ummm there's thing called, what's it called? oh yeah TERMINATION. maybe you should've thought about it 23 years ago. lmao (man, one day i'm gonna acidently blurt that joke out to her). you never thought about 'missing out for me' when you left me here and moved to samoa to 'find yourself'. nah bro, you were the crazy party girl with no responsibilities, living the good life ('coz your family in NZ were picking up your slack and raising me instead), yes you wrote to me as much as your could *ahem* (every month or every second month) but um, i also remember counting down the sleeps 'til you came home for school holidays only to be told by nana "your mum has gone to fiji for the holidays with her friends instead.. maybe she'll visit next holidays". lmao, yes i TOTALLY have "mommy issues". don't fuck with me, 'coz i'll win. when i'm gone, YOU'LL be the one missing me, living in regret and begging me to come home to visit. (and ya know what, even if she she didn't, i wouldn't feel bad, or even suprised. i actually don't have feeling.. must be the express milk LMAO)
ok, that's all from me and my experiences of living with a dickhead. i'm not even gonna get started on the friends comment. i'll save that for another time, when i have an example to disect and rave on about hahahaha better go get started on my truffles aye?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

hahaha since i've gone off rihanna (it's the whole good girl gone bad image.) i'm all for the SOS, we ride, unfaithful, if it's loving that you need, rihanna lolz i've found me a new idol in the form of leona lewis. i'm down with the britsh-ness of her.
yay for me, someone new to stalk and emulate HAHAHAHA guess i should go out and buy her album or something huh?
OMG i am tooooootally hating on rihanna right now! and i don't know why lmao like honestly, i've changed to being so outta love that i can't bare to see her picture or hear her music, from being her biggest fan ever and wanting to be her hahahahaha
i need a new idol. any suggestions? hahaha even tyra doesn't do it for me anymore! what is my world coming to? i need someone superficial to look up to and no one is hitting the spot for me lmao
actually i need a job, and then i wouldn't be thinking of all this shit because i'd be busy doing stuff, making money blah blah blah.
i just had mcdonalds, it was yum lolz
i need a new idol. any suggestions? hahaha even tyra doesn't do it for me anymore! what is my world coming to? i need someone superficial to look up to and no one is hitting the spot for me lmao
actually i need a job, and then i wouldn't be thinking of all this shit because i'd be busy doing stuff, making money blah blah blah.
i just had mcdonalds, it was yum lolz
Monday, November 10, 2008

remember how i'm modeling for my friend at design school? well we went in for our photo shoot yesterday and i've gotta say. her collection looks ok! a far cry from the sack i was wearing during her first presentation. the down side is that we've al gotta wear these hideous shoes.
they're gross to look at and painful to walk in. but i'm practicing so i can look fierce, getting my tyra on & walking down the cat-walk for the final show lmao i can say that i will, for sure, fall on my ass 'coz they're so shit to walk in dahahahaha

is it true when they say that your room is a reflection of your state of mind? 'coz shiiieeet!!!!! mine is a complete mess.
i blame my sister. she dumped all the crap she aquired this year at my house & asked me to 'look after it' until she figured out how she'd get it all back home. thanks bro.
and i blame my handicap (HAHA) i can't walk around and tidy up coz my leg hurts lmao
soooooo... i'm sitting on my ass blogging & watching mama mia on dvd (the sing-along one) dahahahaha another productive day haha.

oh man, i got bitten at our bon fire party on saturday night and thought it was just a mosquito bite. i didn't think much of it (but i didn't scratch it!) 'coz i usually get a big welt where ever i get bitten, but then the next day it goes away.
however, yesterday after the photo shoot i got home and my leg was throbbing. anyways, i rolled up my shorts and HELLO! it's all friggin' swollen!!!
today is monday and it's gotten worse! haha. like, it's swollen and red, and i can't put any weight on it too long without it killing me! so i'm comfortable either lying down or sitting with my leg elevated. DAMIT!
i can't get over how these photos make my legs look really fat lmao
so i'm thinking that it's not a mozzie bite anymore. any suggestions on how to cool it down? (it's really hot to touch too)

i'm am seriously gonna miss these bastards (i use that word in an affectionate manner hahaha)
the end of year piss up was all good. i just wish i'd worn jeans & a hoody like everyone else 'coz it was FREEZING! (i arrived straight from prize giving so i was slightly over dressed haha)
i didn't drink much 'coz i piked early at the hambertrons 21st and i wanted to stick it out to the end. but then, coz i was so conscience of that & knew i had a photo shoot the next morning, i was kinda sober.
the best part of the night was 'the drop off' hahaha i called mumzy and she dropped everyone home. door to door service even lmao

in a nutshell-
- the longest prize-giving i've attended, given there are only 23 students
- she's still taking advantage of me
- noticed she actually treats the boyf like crap too
- dishonesty is an un-attractive trait & she's soaking in it
- felt a little sorry for her 'coz the parentals didn't even make the effort of coming down
- her speech got a nod of approval for me (she actually did the famz proud with her song & speech)
- my room is full of her shit & i don't know how to get rid of it
Saturday, November 8, 2008

i cannot believe i have this many full (i don't mean entirely) bottle of liquor in my room! hahahaha i'm impressed with myself (for not having consumed them all already!)

anyways, this is what i usually use my bottles for- to store all my bracelets in an orderly fashion. i can't believe that some of them still have alcohol in them.

rev's "bear" (fur coat) she picked up @ the selvo'z for only $15! it's soooo warm

(this room is really cool, and my photo does it no justice. but all i was concerned about was what i was gonna drink next haha)

(yes, that is a nun dancing with a hooker hahaha tragedy- when old people go to dress up parties and get really into it. i hope i never end up being like that. dahahahaha)
so after spending the day rummaging through all the op shops that are in town (got some good buys too) we decided to go go into town for 'a drink'... started off @ the flying fish (like the only decent cocktail bar around here) then ended up going to the brewers apprentice (i know what you're thinking WTF?!) hahahha anyways, suprisingly it was an entertaining night. got home by 12 and i fell asleep before rev even got back in her car lmao (i think it was the wine i had at brewers).
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